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Attorney Cline Secures Plea Bargain for Former Cop


When police officer Harry Kephart Jr. was arrested for suspicion of prescription fraud and "doctor shopping," he had some insight as to how he might be penalized upon conviction. Knowing that serious fines and jail time could be in his future, he turned to Virginia Beach Criminal Defense Attorney Shawn Cline of the Law Office of Shawn M. Cline, PC for professional representation.

The accusations stemmed from a three-day period in which Mr. Kephart Jr. visited two hospitals and two urgent care facilities, each time attempting to get prescription medication for an alleged knee injury. After receiving the drugs from three centers and being denied at the fourth, one of the doctors contacted the authorities and reported that he may have been "doctor shopping," or attempting to purchase medication directly from physicians without the necessity, or necessary prescriptions. Surveillance footage in some of the locations showed him walking normally one day, wearing a knee brace the next, and relying on crutches.

Difficult Odds, Positive Outcome

Mr. Kephart Jr. willingly resigned from the police force and plead guilty to his charges. At first glance, it appeared that he would be slammed with a harsh conviction. Recognizing that he should not be excessively punished for his admitted mistakes, Attorney Cline quickly began working to secure a plea agreement that would fairly address the violations and set him down the right path of recovering from a potential drug addiction that stemmed from an old injury. Through dedication and a thorough understanding of the law and litigation, Attorney Cline secured a plea agreement that included:

  • One year supervised probation
  • Six month driver's license suspension
  • Drug treatment programs
  • Urinalysis screenings (administered at random)

To learn more about this case or to work directly with Attorney Cline in a criminal defense case of your own, call 757.209.2328 today. Our team of professionals always aim for the best possible outcome for our clients, whether that be a not guilty verdict, a lessening of the sentences, or a complete case dismissal. Start with a free case evaluation and we can discover your legal options for you.